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Breaking the Tower, then making a team kill


Even those who have started playing Dota 2 recently have met the words tower, tower, or tower. Everyone calls it differently, but the meaning of the word does not change.

Towers stand for the main defensive structures in Dota 2 and help in protecting the base from enemies. It is worth noting that they cause enough damage, but those who will survive in this difficult battle will be waiting for the price of gold for the entire team.

  • The main mission of the party is to crash the enemy towers and, eventually, the main structure.

We did a little research and find out what the symbol of the tower means in history and mythology, since Dota 2, like nothing else, is associated with the struggle of creatures that the human mind can not understand.

  • The tower is one of the most mysterious mythological symbols in history.

On the one hand, it embodies strength, ambition, and impregnability, displaying mightiness.

  • In the Dark Ages, towers were built virtually everywhere, to show how powerful the king was in control of the territory and guarding it against the enemy.

But if we recall the myth of the Tower of Babel, it is more likely to be a material image of the human lust for power, craziness, and vanity.

If we compare the classical interpretation of the Tower and its function in Dota 2, we can see two fundamentally different perceptual poles.

Consequently, if it is your tower, it is sure to represent power and protection, but looking at the enemy's structures, you will only think about breaking them to show that you are stronger than the enemy.

About the use of the term, it's simple enough:

"Quickly destroy a tower while they're up there."

Team kill is a situation where you manage to kill all the enemies at once. Team kill is also known as timewarp and teamkill - a great opportunity to smash the enemy base and kill Roshan. If the team worked together throughout the game, the chance of making a teamkill is greatly increased.

"We made a timewarp, so we won quickly."

We think it's already clear that you can get a lot of gold for it.
